May Birthstone
May Birthstone Emerald is the birthstone for May. Their name stemmed from the Greek word ‘Smargados’ which means ‘Green gem’. They are...
April Birthstone
April Birthstone The Birthstone for the month of April is the Diamond. Diamonds have always been known to be the symbol for ‘eternal and...
March Birthstone - Aquamarine
March Birthstone - Aquamarine The Aquamarine is known to be March’s birthstone as well as representing the 19th wedding anniversary....
January Birthstone - Garnets
January birthstone - Garnet The birthstone for January is a garnet. The word ‘garnet’ comes from the latin word ‘granatum’ which means...
Birthstones for December
Information about the birthstones represented for December, they are Zircon, Tanzanite and Turquoise.